2018 Landmarks for Missions

2018 was a landmark year for me and God has changed my life and thinking in many ways. I write this to stay true to His lessons even as I enter not only a new year, but a new season of life.

God's Work in My Life


When God brought Elynne and me together six months ago, I knew she would be a great blessing to me, but since then, she has continued surprised me! Our six months haven't been easy (which was partly by our commitment to push ourselves in serving the Lord), but they have been precious. In my dear Elynne, the Lord has truly given me a help-meet. We help each other by biblical counsel, prayer, and practical service. She has journeyed with me as the Lord taught us the centrality of missions to the Christian life. She is with me as I endeavor to serve our Savior in new and better ways, even when it requires much sacrifice on her part. Her perspective always enriches, and sometimes corrects, my thinking. I am teaching her to be more objective, and she is teaching me to be more relational. I praise God for her!

Missions Program

Since early this year (or maybe late 2017), I've been meeting with bro. Ike to work on the Missions Program of the church, which will oversee and coordinate all of Higher Rock's outreach ministries. We presented this proposal to the Steering Committee (hereafter SC), and they approved it. This was a significant step forward, but the real work is only beginning.

Kairos World Missions Course

Missions has always had a place in my heart and aspirations, primarily because I believe that every believer should actively participate in the Great Commission, and that includes me. Kairos poured fuel on that fire -- a lot of fuel -- and it gave me the energy I didn't know I would need for the difficult task of organizing a month-long series of missions-related events in Higher Rock.

Missions Month

The Steering Committee assigned me to organize the church's first-ever Missions Month, which I did under the supervision of kuya Ike. We had teachings, immersions, informational materials, and prayer-related resources and activities.

At the center of it all was the Missions Seminar-Workshop, where I poured my heart out in three messages, and dear friends from a sister church came and shared from their years of experience in conducting and supporting missions work.

Another personal highlight was the opportunity we had to learn, observe, and engage in ministry to a Muslim community. Before this, evangelizing Muslims seemed like something for other believers in distant places, but the immersion really opened my and Elynne's eyes to its plausibility for "regular" Christians like us living in Metro Manila (or any other city in the world, for that matter!).

The Expositors Academy

I graduated from the Preaching Course of The Expositors Academy (TEA) mid-2018, after a year and a half of classes. It greatly improved my approach to preaching, and now I can preach much more freely and clearly with much less notes.

Maybe even more important are the friendships I developed with like-minded pastors, especially the TEA team.

Tanglaw sa Roxas

I joined the First Fruits to God ministry earlier this year, and since then, I've seen how the ministry has grown. Having this outreach ministry as part of my weekly schedule hasn't been convenient, but it has been a blessing.


Pakistan Mission

I've had a casual association with Ptr. James and his wife Mari (not their real names) ever since they started coming to the church a few years ago, but this year, our relationship really grew. They were preparing to go to Pakistan to reach the least-reached tribes and train field workers, and Elynne and I were earnestly
praying and working for missions, and we all wanted to work together more closely.

Elynne and I got to know their family better, and when they left for Pakistan, we encouraged and received frequent updates from Ptr. James about their needs and o
utreaches. We did our best to be advocates for them to the church so that they would continue to be remembered in prayer and financial support.

Ptr. James did a great job this year. I've lost count of how many trips he organized just in the latter half of the year! The Lord is enabling him and his team of men to reach many tribes in far-flung corners of the country. The gospel was preached, people were miraculously healed through prayer, and people who had never before heard the name of Christ are now following Him as their Lord and Savior. What's more, ptr. James is committed to the ongoing discipleship of these new brethren.

Praise God!

Great Persecution in China

Since February this year, our brethren in China have suffered increased persecution from the government. In just one province, over 10,000 churches have been shut down. Christians are being imprisoned, beaten, and who knows what else. Some reasons reported for such persecution include public preaching, refusal to install cameras with facial recognition in their pulpits, and parents bringing their children with them to church. The persecuted include not only house churches, but even government sanctioned ones. Christianity is now viewed as a "Party-state security (existential) threat." Praise God, who is sovereign in all of these things.

Higher Rock sent me to Beijing last year, and I spent two weeks learning about the church in China and getting to know precious brethren there. For security reasons, I haven't been able to maintain much contact with them, but Elynne and I keep them and the other 100 million Chinese believers in our hearts and prayers.

Keeping the Fire Burning

Elynne and I are entering a new season in our lives as I enroll in The Master's Seminary for the next four years. Meanwhile, we plan to start having kids. Obviously, we'll be very, very busy. But my earnest desire and prayer is that the fire of missions will continue to burn in our hearts. And hopefully, the Lord is leading other brethren in our beloved Higher Rock in the same way. If the Lord blesses our plans to move on-campus to California by mid-2019, I won't have much more time to work with bro. Ike on the missions program, but Elynne and I will keep praying for the Lord to raise up another leader.

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