Our Prayer Calendar has finally arrived!

It's Missions Month this November at our church! I have the privilege to organize the whole thing (with the guidance of one of the leaders of the church), and it was exciting to see the ushers distribute the PRAYER CALENDAR to the congregation:

Working on this got me up to speed with Higher Rock's missionary partners, including:
  • The Master's Academy International
  • Overseas Instruction in Counseling
  • Morris Bashir & Nomees Morris
  • Robbie & Deanna Nichols
  • Pong & Ricen Balinsay
The foreword I wrote for this calendar expresses how I feel about it:
A.T. Pierson once said, "There has never been a spiritual awakening in any country or locality that did not begin in united prayer." Similarly, there is no telling what God may do when His people devotedly pray for His work of missions. This, in fact, would be the first sign of greater things. As Matthew Henry wrote, "When God intends great mercy for His people, He first of all sets them a-praying."
Brethren, there is so much mission work to be done by way of prayer. May the Lord use this calendar to initiate or reinvigorate each of us in this most crucial and blessed of labors! 

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