Missions: Go Deep or Go Wide? (Part 3)

In the two previous articles, we saw that mission work should have two aspirations: to go deep and to go wide. Between these two, however, there is one priority: go wide. I did say that prioritizing depth over breadth does not mean that we stop working for, aspiring for, and praying for greater breadth. Today, I want to clarify how that can be. Borrowing heavily from Andy Johnsons' book, Missions: How the Local Church Goes Global, I want to suggest two things: We should have a strategic emphasis on expansion. We should have a strategic commitment to strengthening. A Strategic Emphasis on Expansion Given Paul’s example (cf. Rom 15:20-21), the great need of the Least Reached People Groups (LRPs), and the church’s historic and persistent neglect of LRPs, it should be a strategic focus of missions to prioritize areas and peoples that are most isolated from the gospel. All other things being equal, you should generally fund the work among the unreached. I know there are ext...