MSPG 6 - Worship & Missions

I don't pretend to be a missions expert, but the church has to start somewhere. The Lord has been teaching me more and more about missions since 2015, and I've spent a lot of time in the last two years exploring this important aspect of the church's life. Since Elynne and I are planning to migrate soon to study at TMS, I don't have much time to share what I've been learning with others. So in the next five months, January to May, I'm holding a weekly "Missions Study & Prayer Group" (MSPG) to equip them to help in the church's developing missions program. For overviews and links to all the lessons in this ongoing series, click here . Disciples can easily be confused regarding mission's relative importance to worship. Consider the following quotes from a biblical preacher that, when compared, may lead to confusion: "[Worship] is our supreme duty for time and eternity—to honor, adore, delight in, glorify, and enjo...