Should We Talk About Election and Assurance of Salvation?

There has been a resurgence of Reformed theology among evangelical churches today and a renewed interest in their English-speaking heirs, the Puritans. As a result there is a greater awareness that conversion isn't the result of "praying a prayer" or responding to an altar call (a belief that is popular in Filipino churches). Rather, true conversion is accomplished by the Holy Spirit's work, infusing new life into a spiritually dead soul, producing godward repentance and saving faith. That faith takes hold of the gospel of justification by faith alone in the accomplished work of the incarnate God, by His dying on the cross to pay the penalty for sins (Rom 6:23) and to bring us into His kingdom (1 Pet 2:9). And through a simple faith in that gospel, God accounts Christ's perfect righteousness to us. In addition to this, there seems to be a greater understanding that true faith leads to a changed life. This has, in turn, led to a reassessment by pastors of the ...